Friday, June 28, 2013

Show Them Who You Are on an Acquaintance Party

The night of Recognition Day was the Unified Acquaintance Party.

Remember my aunt from the other post?
Not much happened, just that I knew deep inside my heart I had to wear something great. It's an "Acquaintance Party" after all, so hey, get to know me!

PS: Sorry for the camera quality ; u ; I'm still saving up for a DSLR..

This is my favorite professor! :D He was our Psychology teacher.
Me and my badass phone! HAHAHA
Doesn't look Goth but I love dressing up! Who cares? :3

I'm Weird But Hey I'm Smart!

God bless my fat face and my pimples

One thing you can do to keep those bullies, haters, and insecure bitches behind you is to show them your brain contains more sensible info than theirs (though it's practically the same size as theirs)! Here is yours truly receiving an award for good grades in school! Not so happy about my look that day because, according to a faraway Goth friend, I've "graduated as a normal girl". He's wrong about two things: it wasn't Graduation Day, it was Recognition Day. And the part about being normal? Nope! Normal is still boring to me, I only looked like this because my overly Catholic mother and my aunt who happens to be a nun went up the stage with me that day. You could just imagine the trouble I'd run into during such a memorable day if I'd wear dark lipstick and heavy eyeshadow plus eyeliner! :D

From left to right: BA English Literature II class mayor (our class mayor!), BS Biology II class mayor, and me :3

Keep Calm and Do Well in School! ;)

Monday, June 3, 2013

World Goth Day 2013 Part 2

Finally, Ian Roy is dressed! Though not that well, but hey, it's still impressive! By the way the camera quality again won't make you so happy.

Oops! Ian Roy's secret is revealed! He's not wearing any trousers! XD

For some reasons, Carren didn't want to have a picture of her taken.

We had tea and pizza for the celebration now. An unusual combo for a tea party but that doesn't matter! We had Addams Family to deliciously top up the meal!

Our celebration isn't much like the other Gothy parties for World Goth Day out there, but what's important is we were bloody happy even in such a simple and humble way ^w^